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Monthly Cuba Cultural-Film Night, a new campaign to bring the culture of Cuba to Vancouver!

On May 2 over 35 people came together at the Mt. Pleasant Neighbourhood House to experience a taste of Cuba’s great culture. Three films were shown to depict life under the cruel blockade by the U.S. government against Cuba and the ways Cuba and people around the world are beating it.

This month’s cultural night focused on the Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba which every year brings humanitarian aid to Cuba challenging the blockade, which is illegal according to US law. Pastors for Peace Caravan route speaker Nita Palmer introduced the films and shared stories from her trip on the Caravan in the summer of 2007. The films shown were: “Bloqueo”, about two young women traveling to Cuba for the first time with the Caravan. “Who’s Afraid of the Little Yellow School Bus?” about the year one Caravan bus was detained by US customs on the way to Cuba and supporters went on a 23 day hunger-strike to get the bus through customs and onto Cuba! Finally was the uplifting, “Desafio” or challenge, about the immense shortages in Cuba after the fall of the Soviet Union and how the people of Cuba came together to defend their revolution.

The next cultural-film night is happening on June 6th 2008 which will include food, live music and film about the revolutionary thinker and fighter, Che Guevara.

Please join us for our ongoing monthly Cuba cultural-film nights which take place on the first Friday of each month at Mt. Pleasant Neighbourhood House in Vancouver.

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VCSC First Monthly
Cuba Cultural & Film Night!
Featuring the films:
"Who's Afraid of the Little Yellow School Bus?"

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