March 1, 2010
Free the Cuban 5 Now!
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Vancouver Picket Action Demands:
Free the Cuban 5 Heroes Now, Extradite Posada to Venezuela Now!
On Monday March 1st 2010, the Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver organized the monthly picket action in front of the US Consulate to demand the freedom of the Five Cuban Heroes. This day was marked by a call from various Cuban 5 Committees from the US. It was called because it was the original date for a trial for anti-Cuban terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in the US. Despite the trial date being postponed it is important to highlight the significance of his terrorist’s crimes including the 1976 Air Cubana Flight that killed 73 people on board.
Noah Fine, organizer with the Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver and MC opened the picket. Noah was followed by a loud round of picketing demanding “Freedom for the Five Cuban Heroes Now” and “Justice for the Five Now” and “extradite Posada to Venezuela Now.”
After couple of loud rounds of picketing, David Whittlesy organizer with the Cuban 5 and long-time social justice activist spoke. He explained the US history of committing crimes and torture against people from around the world and questioned who the real terrorist in the world is, which of course is the US government.
After couple of rounds of picketing Kerri Goodwin, organizer with Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) passionately read her own poetry about Cuban 5 and also poetry from Antonio Guerrero, one of the Cuban 5 Heroes.
After the last rounds of picketing, Janine Solanki, out reach coordinator with MAWO highlighted the hypocrisy of the so-called US War on Terror. She emphasized the fact that while the US is allowing known anti-Cuban terrorists walk freely in Miami, five innocent Cuban men are unjustly imprisoned in US jails for over 11 years for protecting their country against terrorist acts like bombing the 1976 Air Cubana Flight.
The picket finished with a good feeling of necessity to continue these monthly picket actions to demand the freedom of these Five Cuban Heroes until they are free.