December 8th 2009
Free the Cuban 5 Now!
Coordinated Picket Actions in Vancouver and Montreal

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On a cold December day, chants and cheers rose up through the city streets as protesters gathered at the US consulate in Downtown Vancouver to demand freedom for the 5 Cuban heroes held in US jails. On this day two of the Cuban 5 heroes, Ramon and Fernando, were to be re-sentenced by the Federal District Court of Miami. Peace loving people across Vancouver came together to demand that Ramon, Fernando and all of the Cuban 5 not be re-sentenced they should be freed immediately!
Sarah Alwell, coordinator of the Free the Cuban 5 Committee Vancouver welcomed everyone to the picket announcing that this protest was both the 48th monthly picket and the 4 year anniversary of the very first picket organized by the Free the Cuban 5 Committee Vancouver. Sarah emphasized that the movement to free the Cuban 5 continues to grow world wide and that we must increase our efforts to build a consistent campaign to free the 5 heroes.
After a round of spirited chanting and picketing, David Whittlesey, a veteran of the civil rights movement and anti-Vietnam war movement, shared his words of wisdom and experience. David assured protesters that with a strong heart and consistent action we will win freedom for the 5 heroes, just as peace loving people had put an end to the Vietnam War 30 years ago.
"Free Free the Cuban 5!" and "Hey Obama You Will See, the Cuban 5 Will be Free!" ascended from the crowed as protesters embarked on another round of picketing in front of the US Consulate.
Through the loud speaker on a cell phone, Alison Bodine spoke to participants all the way from the Bronx in New York City. Alison was banned from Canada for two years after she was politically targeted by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for her anti-war and Cuba solidarity work. Alison spoke about the protest that took place in New York that very same day to demand freedom for the Cuban 5.
April Desilets, a social justice activist and long time supporter of the Cuban 5 highlighted the case of Louis Posada Carriles. Posada is a self-confessed anti-Cuban terrorist who took responsibility for the bombing of a Cuban civilian airliner that killed all 72 people on board. He now walks freely in the streets of Miami while the 5 Cuban anti-terrorist fighters remain unjustly imprisoned in US jails.
After a round of energetic chanting Sarah wrapped up the picket thanking participants for their support as they vowed to continue to come to the US consulate next month, and every month there after untill the Cuban 5 heroes are Free!