March 12th 2009
Free the Cuban 5 Now!
Coordinated Picket Actions in Vancouver and Montreal

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39th Picket line in Vancouver in Support of the Cuban 5 Heroes!
On Thursday March 12th, peace activists and human loving people rallied together for the 39th monthly protest picket line in front of the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver to demand:
"Free the 5 Cuban Heroes Now!"
"Grant Visas to Their Families!"
More than 30 participants were able to release their anger and dismay at the injustice done against the Cuban 5 and hear from a great lineup of speakers.
The first speaker was Phillipa Ryan, an indigenous elder from the Gitxsan Nation. Phillipa spoke about how heroic the fight of the 5 Heroes is as the U.S. government not only targets the people of Cuba, but poor, oppressed people around the world and in the U.S. as well.
The next speaker was Charles Boylan, a radio host on Vancouver's Co-op radio and member of the Communist Party of Canada, Marxist-Leninist (CPC-ML). Charles spoke to counter the terrorism Cuban people have faced with the murder of almost 3500 Cubans, the reason why the 5 Heroes were sent to Miami.
Kerri Goodwin, an Oji-Cree activist, member of Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC) and Indigenous Rights and Action Project (IRAP) spoke next. Kerri explained the similarities between the case of the Cuban 5 and that of Indigenous activist, Leonard Peltier. Peltier has been in prison in the U.S. for over 30 years, like the 5, for defending his people against attack by the U.S. government. Kerri wrapped up reading a beautiful poem she had written about the 5 Cuban Heroes which was followed by cheers and shouts of "Free the Cuban 5!" and "Free Leonard Peltier!"
Picket MC, and Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver, coordinator, Noah Fine wrapped up this months protest announcing that the Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver and the Comité Fabio Di Celmo pour les 5 in Montreal, Quebec will continue to protest every month outside the U.S. consulate in both cities until the 5 Cuban Heroes are free.